출처: 액션필터
ADO 데이터형 상수
ADO 데이터형 상수
Constant Value Description AdArray(Does not apply to ADOX.) 0x2000 A flag value, always combined with another data type constant, that indicates an array of that other data type. adBigInt 20 Indicates an eight-byte signed integer (DBTYPE_I8). adBinary 128 Indicates a binary value (DBTYPE_BYTES). adBoolean 11 Indicates a boolean value (DBTYPE_BOOL). adBSTR 8 Indicates a null-terminated character string (Unicode) (DBTYPE_BSTR). adChapter 136 Indicates a four-byte chapter value that identifies rows in a child rowset (DBTYPE_HCHAPTER). adChar 129 Indicates a string value (DBTYPE_STR). adCurrency 6 Indicates a currency value (DBTYPE_CY). Currency is a fixed-point number with four digits to the right of the decimal point. It is stored in an eight-byte signed integer scaled by 10,000. adDate 7 Indicates a date value (DBTYPE_DATE). A date is stored as a double, the whole part of which is the number of days since December 30, 1899, and the fractional part of which is the fraction of a day. adDBDate 133 Indicates a date value (yyyymmdd) (DBTYPE_DBDATE). adDBTime 134 Indicates a time value (hhmmss) (DBTYPE_DBTIME). adDBTimeStamp 135 Indicates a date/time stamp (yyyymmddhhmmss plus a fraction in billionths) (DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP). adDecimal 14 Indicates an exact numeric value with a fixed precision and scale (DBTYPE_DECIMAL). adDouble 5 Indicates a double-precision floating-point value (DBTYPE_R8). adEmpty 0 Specifies no value (DBTYPE_EMPTY). adError 10 Indicates a 32-bit error code (DBTYPE_ERROR). adFileTime 64 Indicates a 64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (DBTYPE_FILETIME). adGUID 72 Indicates a globally unique identifier (GUID) (DBTYPE_GUID). adIDispatch 9 Indicates a pointer to an IDispatch interface on a COM object (DBTYPE_IDISPATCH). Note This data type is currently not supported by ADO. Usage may cause unpredictable results.
adInteger 3 Indicates a four-byte signed integer (DBTYPE_I4). adIUnknown 13 Indicates a pointer to an IUnknown interface on a COM object (DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN). Note This data type is currently not supported by ADO. Usage may cause unpredictable results.
adLongVarBinary 205 Indicates a long binary value. adLongVarChar 201 Indicates a long string value. adLongVarWChar 203 Indicates a long null-terminated Unicode string value. adNumeric 131 Indicates an exact numeric value with a fixed precision and scale (DBTYPE_NUMERIC). adPropVariant 138 Indicates an Automation PROPVARIANT (DBTYPE_PROP_VARIANT). adSingle 4 Indicates a single-precision floating-point value (DBTYPE_R4). adSmallInt 2 Indicates a two-byte signed integer (DBTYPE_I2). adTinyInt 16 Indicates a one-byte signed integer (DBTYPE_I1). adUnsignedBigInt 21 Indicates an eight-byte unsigned integer (DBTYPE_UI8). adUnsignedInt 19 Indicates a four-byte unsigned integer (DBTYPE_UI4). adUnsignedSmallInt 18 Indicates a two-byte unsigned integer (DBTYPE_UI2). adUnsignedTinyInt 17 Indicates a one-byte unsigned integer (DBTYPE_UI1). adUserDefined 132 Indicates a user-defined variable (DBTYPE_UDT). adVarBinary 204 Indicates a binary value. adVarChar 200 Indicates a string value. adVariant 12 Indicates an Automation Variant (DBTYPE_VARIANT). Note This data type is currently not supported by ADO. Usage may cause unpredictable results.
adVarNumeric 139 Indicates a numeric value. adVarWChar 202 Indicates a null-terminated Unicode character string. adWChar 130 Indicates a null-terminated Unicode character string (DBTYPE_WSTR).
Note This data type is currently not supported by ADO. Usage may cause unpredictable results.
Note This data type is currently not supported by ADO. Usage may cause unpredictable results.
Note This data type is currently not supported by ADO. Usage may cause unpredictable results.
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